I have the awesome opportunity to be around many couples as they are starting to plan for the rest of their lives and then to officially consummate that by getting married. It really is one part of what I do that is really rewarding, especially when I have some time between a couple’s engagement session and their wedding to get to know them. Above all else, what fascinates me about the people I get to meet is how they interact with each other. Truly, I have met couples that are so incredibly different with how they interact with each other, you would think they are from different planets.

When I shoot an Engagement Session I really am looking at how couple interacts more than anything else. I try and absorb every little detail on what I see, many of which only happens between that specific couple. Of all the differences there are between these groups of people, they always have one thing in common. Completeness. I mean, the couples I met at this stage in their lives truly feel they are made for each other and no matter their differences, or their individual flaws, when you put them together, they become whole.

Tonight I had the pleasure of watching Stacy & Micheal interact and without question, everything I had said above, directly applies to them. For those out there who know Micheal and Stacy, I am sure you will agree with me, that when you put these two together you can see how two people absolutely complete each other. Thank you Stacy and Micheal for giving me another night where I got to enjoy so much more than just taking pictures.

Thank you for sharing!

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