Ice cream cone + 85 degrees + my son = entertainment

Some people brag about how smart their child is, or how cute they are, or how athletic they can be. I could say many wonderful things to every one out there and do it in a tactful but proud parent way. I just have always chosen not to. I know what he means to Michelle...

Easter 2011 and the easiest way to embarass your 12 year old.

Sometimes that Easter bunny like to makes things a little more difficult than they need to be 😀 The boys each got a couple of special eggs that had more than candy in them, see the Easter bunny is not a complete jerk! My nephew, Mason. If you were wondering what was...

Who knew Legos could be so dangerous…

Two Legos. Two small little Legos.But when you combine them, they turn into something much more sinister… When combined, they turn into what is known now in our house as…::insert over protective parent voice::”SEE I TOLD YOU THAT IF YOU USE YOUR...