This past weekend we had a slightly late birthday party for Tyler and he wanted to go to Skateland to fall down repeatedly skate with his friends. While I was there I took this picture with my 24-70L f/2.8 at ISO 6400, f/2.8 and 1/20 second shutter. The shutter speed was the important part of this photo. It allowed me to get a photo that showed some motion blur and my ISO and f stop allowed enough light in where no flash was needed.
Now here is where I make every person on the rink disappear. These photos were taken just seconds apart, just long enough for me to change the settings on my camera. This photo was taken at ISO 100, f/10 and a full 13 second shutter speed. Due to the amount of time that the shutter was open, it allowed for only the static or non moving parts of the photo to be exposed correctly. Any moving parts, such as the people, we so underexposed that they did not show up at in the final photo. Sneaky, huh ?
I have seen this technique used in taking photos in areas where you want the background but do not want people in the photograph, such as a photograph of downtown Chicago.
Here are few others from Skateland, enjoy!