by ctyson | Oct 29, 2018 | Wedding
In March of 2017, I photographed the wedding of Ami and Duane in Mexico along the beautiful Atlantic coast. That morning as Ami and her ladies were finishing up at the Spa, I found myself waiting for them to get organized and head back to their room to finish getting...
by ctyson | Sep 17, 2015 | Wedding
I met Erin a loonnnnggggg time ago when she was just youngin. She was hired as a cashier back when I was managing, also know as when I was losing my hair and going gray. Lucky for us we had a mutual dislike for a people that we were stuck with and nothing bonds you...
by ctyson | Aug 14, 2015 | Wedding
I can explain everything you need to know about Lauren and Adam in this sentence. Lauren said if she didn’t pay me soon, she was going to buy a French Bulldog with her money and AdamĀ wore a hoodie to their engagement session (which was the perfect choice for...
by ctyson | Sep 30, 2014 | Wedding
Amanda and Chris were one of my couples this year where we did not do an engagement session so as their wedding day unfolded in front of me, I was learning who they were on the fly. After spending most of the day with them, here is what I have learned. If Amanda and...
by ctyson | Sep 23, 2012 | Wedding
For Andrea and Chris’ wedding post, I will no longer refer to them as Andrea and Chris but rather as Dovahgroom and Dovahbride. I would also like to point out that a quick google search shows that these words do not exist, so for all out of there, feel special...