C. Tyson
the person
I am a simple guy
I do not like coffee, my beard is pretty lame and I have never owned an iPhone … which I guess means I am worst photographer ever but I am someone
who was lucky enough to find an extraordinary life
I am just an ordinary guy who through the years was finally able to find photography and somehow ended up being able to live this EXTRAORDINARY life. Make no mistake though, my life has some stories too it!
Sometimes it is easy to look at others ( *cough* their Instagram *cough* ) and think they have something special or that their lives are polished and perfect. Let’s just set this expectation really quick. My life, and my Instagram, will never never be polished and perfect.
That is how life is meant to lived though, it is meant to be experienced, you are supposed to have some scars, it will always have peaks and valleys and the path to find what or whom makes your heart leap from your chest will never, never be straight line.
The best moments and relationships in my life were almost exclusively found when i wandered off that straight line, when I took the path less traveled and maybe even served someone who could never repay me. Those places are where I found who I truly was.
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”
I am asked this question quite a bit and I really do love answering it. Every person who has decided to use photography as a source of income, enjoyed taking photographs first. For me, it was something that grabbed a hold of me very early on. For my 8th grade class trip, I saved up my lawn mowing money so I could buy my first decent film camera. I bought my first digital camera in 1998 and spent waaaay too much for it.
In 2008 I did a project 365, where I took one photograph per day of just whatever life presented me that day. I started the year with a little point and shoot and ended it with my first Canon DSLR. In June of that year, I really started to put together the idea of what it would take to make a living off of photography. I bought my domain and started learning from any source I could. I booked my first wedding in March of 2009 and photographed my first wedding in May of 2009. Photographed my first destination wedding in March of 2010. I went part time at my old job in August of 2012 and been a full time photographer since February 2013.
Since February 2013, things have been a little crazy! What photography has done for me and my family has been overwhelming. I will be indebted to those who helped and photography as whole for the rest of my life.