Engagement sessions matter to me, it really is that simple. They matter because trying to discover who you are and understanding your story as a couple is the basis of my photography. They matter because  I approach the actual act of photography a little different than most, so experiencing that and then seeing the results of our effort will always pay rewards on your wedding. They matter because if an engagement is not a reason to celebrate, I do not know what is a reason. They matter because how often have you as a couple, left your house with the specific intention of just taking great photographs? Wrap all these things together and you have one of my favorite reasons I am a wedding photographer, engagement sessions! WOOT, enjoy!


The Life of a Firefighter ~ I have had the honor of working with a few firefighters husband-to-be’s over the past few years and every time I do, I am humbled by two things. How the firefighter has this genuine gee golly shucks attitude about what he does and also seeing the human side of how supportive his wife must be to help both of them cope with the stresses involved.

firefighter engagement session


Sunset along the Rock River ~ A beautiful night, with a beautiful sunset, along the river, will always be a backdrop that will make my photographer side jump for joy.

engagement photography along a river at sunset


Take a step back ~ I approach engagement sessions as a place to get the couple as comfortable as possible, to get them interacting with each other, give them a little guidance to create and then take big step back and get out of their way when they are in their moment. This is one of those moments.

engagement photography at rock cut state park


Be who you are ~ I always want my couples to be who they are when they are in front of my camera. Do not change who you are once the camera is raised as your friends and family will immediately know it was just for show. Rather lets find out ways that we can capture you where your friends and family say “This is so you!”. Like this photo, I am stuck at how normal looking it is for her to be kicking her man, while it also looks likes  her man is pretty used to dodging those kicks 🙂

engagement photography at woodstock town square


Try and Guess ~ Really, I dare you to guess where they are getting married at. I always try and use very subtle with muted hints at where a couple’s wedding will be taking place. If you can not figure it out, do not worry about it, this hint was very very minor.

engagement photography disney


American Gothic, just updated ~ Yes this engagement session was done in Culture Shock Records and Gifts. Curious yet?

engagement photography in culture shock records

There are some benefits ~ Every couple I have ever worked with has a job, I know that is not too astounding but sometimes that job allows access to some really cool places. Like the Madison capitol building.

engagement photography in madison capitol building

That moment ~ Similar to the photograph above of the couple jumping in each others others arms, this is that moment where the couple starts to see how everything comes together and the being themselves is far more important than trying to be something else.

engagement photography in rockford il

Sunset, again ~ There is about at a 15-20 minute part of the night right after sunset where the sky is a deep blue rather than black. That is probably my favorite time to photograph as it is seldom used by photographers. Add in the skyline of Chicago, which is the home of this couple and well…. WOOT!

engagement photography lake michigan

Tell me who you are ~ One of my favorite questions to ask all of my couples. I want to know what your interests are, what stirs your passions passion in life, I want to know what a Friday night is for you. With those answers we create a backdrop, a canvas for your story to be told. Guess what this couples answer to a Friday night for them was….

engagement photography session in a kitchen

Speaking of Friday nights ~ Same question, different couple, different answer, same result. A photograph that shows who they truly are.

engagement photography with schwinn bikes

Smell the Concrete ~ There is street photographer who influenced my approach to photography with one sentence. As a street photographer he walked the streets of New York and just capture people and environments as he saw them. He said this “When people see my photographs, I want them to be able to smell the concrete.”. Look at this photograph, can you smell the fair?

Engagement session at the fair

Planning a wedding is stressful ~ Your engagement session should be an oasis in that stress. One night, put all the planning aside, one night just relax and be you and after the engagement session go out to eat and celebrate. Put aside the layout of the tables at the reception and take one night to remember why you are getting married.

laughing at an engagement photography session

They had practiced ~ This is what happens when two people who both serve in the military, who are stationed on opposite coasts, come together less than a week before their wedding… it gets a little crazy! When I suggested a dip photograph, their response was they had been practicing, I guess I should not have been surprised!

rockford il engagement photography

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