Before you ask the question of how a County Fair could traumatize a 5 year old, take a look at just two of the events my son had the “opportunity” to experience at the 2010 Boone County Fair.

The children’s petting zoo, what could go wrong?

2010 boone county fair petting zoo
See, look how happy Jayden is!
2010 boone county fair petting zoo
Even cuter, the baby goat wants to give you a little kiss Jayden!
2010 boone county fair petting zoo
 Here you can see Jayden’s expression slightly change, he knows something is up.
2010 boone county fair petting zoo
Even though he didn’t it kinda looks like Jayden is about to or has just cussed when he realized the goat’s intentions were past the point of “kisses”.
2010 boone county fair petting zoo boy getting bit
Finally, the “I am bailing this petting zoo!”.
Now next to some rides, what could wrong here? He even got to ride with his Mommy, she would never put him put him in a situation where he would just scream for 3 minutes straight, right?
2010 boone county fair boy and mom on ride
2010 boone county fair boy and mom on ride
Still wrong. Look at those white knuckles.

Ahhhh the County Fair…..

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