Ohhhhhh the Sparkettes… where do I begin with these two? I could take this blog post in so many directions. What I will always remember about these two is just how real and genuine they were. If you spend 3 minutes with them, you now know just who they are. Sometimes it takes people a little while to warm up to you and to open up. Not Rachel and Steve. Sometimes couples when they are together, put on a “show” and when they are apart ,they change. Not Rachel and Steve. At Rachel and Steve’s wedding, I saw a Bride’s Father carrying a shotgun, a brother DJ and even a groom cuss while he is mic’d up. All of these things, in hindsight, do not surprise me one bit. That is why Rachel and Steve’s wedding is one that I will always remember. I could shoot at this venue 12 times next year and it will never be like this again.

Rachel and Steve, thank you for letting me into your lives for this past year. Letting me into all the crazies and the chaos. Every moment I spent with you guys was spent partly laughing and partly in awe. Thank you for being you and please, please…. never change!








































Venue: Villa Buonincontro

Photobooth: Rock Vegas Events




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