I actually had a free Sunday in August so I took the family out to quick visit to the Madison Zoo. For those of you who do not know, the Madison Zoo is a free zoo. Yes, zero admission. While that does mean you are not going to see anything crazy spectacular, it makes you wonder why we can not even patch our potholes in Rockford with our taxes, let alone have a zoo.

As a father, one of my proudest moments is trying to explain what I know about these animals to a 6 year old. As my father handbook states, if I do not know the correct answer, I get to make up any answer and pass it off as truth. I added a few comments on the photos to let you in a little to the conversations that took place, enjoy!

Jayden: Is that a big mouse? Me: No that is Capybara, which means crocodile snack.


This is so me, even today. I can spend hours just watching animals.

Jayden: What kind of minkey is that? Me: That is a part monkey, part skunk, a skumonkey.


Jayden: Awww he is cute! Me: That is a badger, pretty much the meanest most foul tempered animal you can find. Jayden: No, he is cute. Me: ::thinking to myself:: figures, the one time I am telling the truth he doesn't belive me...


Reminds me of someone....


Jayden: Why are they so sleepy? Me: The zoo just done feeding them their daily Capybara.


Me: Jayden go sit by the snake and smile... Jayden, smile.... Jayde... fine I am taking the photo now.


Jayden doesnt have the best of luck with goats at petting zoos, so not getting his hand bit or his shirt chewed on was a small victory for us.


Somewhere in Texas, my sister is very happy after seeing this.

Thank you for sharing!

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