Why would I want an Engagement Session? When this question comes up during some of my consultation sessions, I make it clear that I am a huge fan of Engagement Sessions. While I do not make them mandatory, I strongly recommend them to every client I work with. The reasons may surprise some of you out there.
From just my perspective, Engagement Sessions allow me to shoot in places and in styles that through the course of most weddings I would not get the chance to do. The roots of many of my favorite photographs I have taken at a wedding can be traced back to an Engagement Session photograph.
Engagement Sessions also give me a very great insight into how you and your future spouse interact with each other. There is no magic formula to capturing photographs that tell a story, I have found the exact opposite works far better. I approach every wedding with a clean slate and its my responsibility to find the nuances that will show a complete stranger a view into who you are. Photographs and an approach that worked for me just a week earlier could fall apart this week.
For you, it gives you a great idea of what to expect on your wedding day. I have shot weddings where I am meeting the Bride and Groom for the first time when I knock on the door. I have also shot weddings where I have been booked for over a year and during their wedding I almost feel apart of it, just because of the time we have invested into each other. I would always choose to shoot the later of those situations.
I truly feel that an Engagement is something that should be celebrated, you should be excited to share the news of it!! This is one of the biggest choices you will ever make and you will have time to worry about all the little details in the coming months, so for now, celebrate!
Great I have some excellent pictures but what do I do with them now? The possibilities are pretty wide! Use your photos for all these and more
~A Guest Signature Album, pass on the traditional guest book and show off your photos to your guests, while giving the m the chance to write more than just their name and address.
~Your own custom wedding website
~Save the date announcements
~Post to your Facebook page
~Get prints made for the cake table at your wedding or on guest tables
~Use one as your announcement in the local newspaper
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