by ctyson | Nov 10, 2015 | Wedding
For the first time in my photography travels, I photographed a wedding on Halloween. When Kate sent me a message asking if I would be available to shoot her wedding, I did hesitate a little. I really do enjoy spending Halloween with my family and this year we had some...
by ctyson | Oct 9, 2012 | Wedding
Every couple I have the opportunity to work with, I really try and understand who they are and what their story is. That starts with the first email and the first face to face conversation. I remember when Megan and Andy walked into Meg’s Daily Grind last year,...
by ctyson | Sep 23, 2012 | Wedding
For Andrea and Chris’ wedding post, I will no longer refer to them as Andrea and Chris but rather as Dovahgroom and Dovahbride. I would also like to point out that a quick google search shows that these words do not exist, so for all out of there, feel special...