A common question almost all couples have to work through when planning their wedding is “How do I make this wedding mine?”. As any couple who has been through planning a wedding a will tell you, it is not as easy as you think. You have to take something that at its roots is based on tradition and while still honoring that to a degree, create something unique. I say almost all couples have trouble with this because I saw first hand how Rebecca and Art seamlessly merged tradition with making it their own. So many of the details in their wedding were inspired by an idea or photo but in the end were created by hand by Rebecca and Art. As photographer it is my complete focus to tell the story of your wedding, so anything that you put effort into to your wedding unique is just icing on the cake for me.
So I offer a huge congrats to both of you and I hope you see the fruits of your effort and planning in these photographs. I know I do!

just like so many other details, Rebecca's hairpiece was completley hand made by her.

Look at that organized bed! Be you couldn't guess that Art is an engineer 😉

I absolutely dig these cufflinks, an "A" and a "R" from an old typewriter.

I know the ladies are giggling, but as any guy will tell you (including me) it is impossible to tie another guy's tie while looking at him!

The Figg Room at the Clocktower.

Is there any better way to celebrate finally being married than dancing!

Sorry Art but I HAD to make sure this photo saw the light of day as soon as possible! 😀