I remember the first time Ashton and Jason spoke to me, I remember being caught off guard at how they were very laid back yet very dialed in on what they were looking for in a wedding photographer. More than anything though, I remember how much they “fit” into each others personality. Some people call it chemistry but to me it seemed to be more like balance. They are a couple, that together, could overcome any obstacle…
Unless they are at county fair and they have to tackle the “Zipper” 😀
When the idea was brought up to possibly shoot Ashton and Jason’s engagement session at the fair, I instantly knew it was something I wanted to do. While it would bring some challenges and would be in very public place, I have to say that Ashton and Jason were not only perfect for each other but also were perfect for the chaos of this shoot. From the rides, to the cotton candy, to the petting zoo, to the carnies asking why were taking photograph and even a goldfish being swallowed…. This session just had twist after twist but through the night I was able to watch this “balance” Ashton and Jason gave each other. Ashton and Jason, I enjoyed my chance to be a fly on the wall for your evening at the fair and I am very much looking forward to this next year and watching your grow together, see you soon!