While I may come across as absolutely amazing at putting together an intro from my blogs, but I suffer from writer’s cramp much more than you would probably think. I can’t tell you how many times I have all my photos edited, then added to the blog, all I need is an intro and I am sitting at my desk much like this….

Then something amazing happened! This is the very first photograph I took of Aimee and Michael’s engagement session. Yes, that is a dog. Right at the bar. No, I have no idea why. Would it surprise you that this bar also didn’t accept credit cards? One more, what if right outside this bar it had what looked like a big phone booth that was for washing your pet, would that surprise you? Seriously, I can’t make this stuff up.


We ended up here so Aimee and Michael could change clothes really quick during their session. Aimee wanted to buy a shot so she didn’t feel bad for using their bathrooms, I also made her promise that the shots were not because of my photography. So after out little adventure at the bar/kennel/pet wash we headed out for their photographs. One of my small joys is taking everything a couple has, up until this moment, thought was needed to take good photographs and completely throw it out the window. During this first 15 minute or so transition period, it is tough and sometimes awkward. Think about it, if you are in a relationship, when was the last time you went out with the specific intent of taking good photographs? Couples just do not do this anymore. After a little help and guidance there is always a moment where it seems to “click” with each couple and in that moment I can not help but to smile. It is seriously one of the most rewarding moments I have in photography.

Aimee and Michael, thank you for the mini adventure, the laughs and also reminding why I really do enjoy what I get to do when a camera is in my hand.




Thank you for sharing!

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