I struggled over this. A lot. This flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

If you can make money on it, you do not give it away. Yet, that is what I am going to do.

What is the number one thing I want to happen with my photographs? Its really simple, I just want them to be seen. If I take beautiful photographs but then lock them down, hide them on DVD and tell a couple that they are not allowed to share them, I truly feel that minimizes the effort I put into creating them. 5 years ago, it was rare to find a photographer who included a DVD of all your final photographs in a resolution you can print from. Fast forward to today and it is a very common practice and almost expected. I also have noticed that although I do make a decent amount of money on reprints from weddings and engagements it has always been a battle between making the photographs easy to see at the expense of selling reprints. The reason a couple get reprints is to show them off, 10 years ago those photographs were hung on a wall, put in Christmas cards, pinned to a cubicle wall…. then something changed. Then Facebook came along and then Pinterest, couples still want to show off their photographs but HOW they are showing them changed. Almost over night. Rather than be at the mercy of industry, I am changing and I am one of the first. From here on out, all my wedding and engagement photographs will be offered, FREE OF CHARGE, to be shared, emailed, facebook, pinterest, twitter and even downloaded through PASS.  That means the beautiful photograph of your little girl as the flower girl is yours. For free. Instantly. That photograph of you and your new boyfriend dancing at the reception is yours. For Free. Instantly.

Exit high priced, tiny 4″x6″ reprints for weddings and engagements, begging the Bride and Groom for a digital photograph and from my perspective, fighting the internet. Enter, PASS.

Check out this gallery of mine for a test drive, share a photo, pin a photo, heck even download a photo 🙂 http://ctysonphotography.pass.us/portfolio/

So what is really ground breaking in that 49 second video? More than you probably realize at this moment. Let me take you through the highlights.

  • Same. It does not matter if you look at your gallery on an iPhone, an Android based tablet, a 10 year old laptop or a brand new Mac Pro, the experience is exactly the same.
  • Share. No need to download images to your device to then share them. A share to facebook, pinterest, twitter, email are all built into your gallery for each picture,
  • Print. If you do want a print, you can order it straight from there and have it chipped to your doorstep. (coming soon)
  • Download. This is the big one. From here on out, I am leaving the download option for any person with the clients approval.
  • Guestbook. Want to leave a love note for couple, go right ahead!


The change is here, at C. Tyson Photography. Go, share and tell your friends that things are going to be different.


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